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maa dia mant
15 mai 2012

According to the Associated Press

According to the Associated Press, a spokesperson for the national police said on Tuesday (May 15) that the permit for the show has been denied after religious conservatives worried that the concert could undermine the nation's moral fiber. Some of the critics actually threatened to use physical force to prevent Gaga from getting off her plane. Though Indonesia is a secular state, it has the world's largest population of Muslims and a small extremist fringe of religious leaders has been more vocal in recent years. перечень ипотечных банков банки и финансы кредит банк имени москвы кредиты в банках в улан удэ ипотека банк сбербанк роль и место центрального банка юни кредит банк санкт петербург антицеллюлитный массаж вакуумными банками карта мбрр юникредит банк украина подключение услуги мобильный банк
